Nov 30 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Published by at 9:23 pm under Dogs,Food,Jen,Sarah


We had an intimate Thanksgiving for three this year in our lugubrious dining room, with a relatively svelte (12 lb.) turkey from Kesicke Farm and all or most of the fixings. We had Zoom calls with Jen’s family and with mine, with Erica & Geoff participating in both.

Apple Pie

Sarah took charge of the apple pie, as has become customary, as well as the sweet potatoes.

Lattice of Conincidence?

Jen helped with the lattice crust.

Apple Pie

It was, in a word, magnificent.

Equally magnificent was this hickory nut pie. Everyone pitched in to crack the nuts, and Jen’s and Sarah’s Montessori educations paid off handsomely as all shell shards were painstakingly removed prior to baking.

Bully Stick

Daisy got her own Thanksgiving treat, a bully stick, about which the less said the better. Look at that tail go!

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