Jun 30 2024


Published by at 1:17 pm under Trees,Vehicles,Weather

Fallen Trees

On Sunday we had a “microburst” — a/k/a a personal tornado — which set down on our farm and laid waste to our population of elderly trees. Poor Jen was out picking berries at the time. The storm came very suddenly and was over in just a few minutes. We tried to return to New York but a large tree had fallen across Kerr Road. Fortunately, our neighbor Dmitry Alden arrived in his Mercedes G Wagon, equipped with a winch, and, wielding an enormous chain saw (not entirely without delicacy: he is a liver surgeon, after all), set us free. We got home around midnight.

Sun Porch Window

The house itself did not entirely escape damage, but this was the worst of it. The power and phone lines were stripped from the house, cottage, and barn, and we lost two telephone poles.

Rear Window

For the second time, a tree limb crashed through the window of our car (the last time it was the front windshield).

Fallen Maples

Here, over by the cottage, is what formerly was a charming stand of maples. We regained electricity Thursday night, but we still have no phone or wifi in the house.

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