Dec 12 2021

A Run on Trees

Published by at 10:30 am under Sarah,Trees

Tree on the Car

Ordinarily we wait until just before Christmas to bring home a tree, mostly because no one is around during the week to water it. This year, however, there seems to be a Christmas tree shortage. According to The Wall Street Journal, this is not the result of supply chain interruption but rather the long tail of Christmas tree growers leaving the business after the 2007-08 recession. It takes about twelve years to grow a Christmas tree.

Trying to get ahead of this, we visited Saltsman’s Christmas Tree Farm, a local favorite just outside the village, but they had only fifteen sad trees remaining. We got this one at Phantom Gardener on Route 9, which caters to weekenders — and where, if truth be told, we’ve gotten nearly every previous Christmas tree. At right you can see the gnomish Christmas tree lot attendant who once again regaled us with his story of when, as a neophyte tree wrangler, he accidentally imprisoned a family in their car by roping the tree through the windows rather than the doors.

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