Dec 28 2018

Xmas 2018

Published by at 5:08 pm under Dogs,Food,Jen,Sarah

Elf & Dog

Sarah presided over a very merry Christmas in her traditional elf capacity, with a little help from her assistant, Daisy.


Despite our rather short, pudgy tree, we had a festive time with the entire Burleigh clan. We feasted on gravlax, herring, stollen, and fruit salad. For Xmas dinner, we had country ham and biscuits, as well as mushroom risotto for the vegetarian set.

Geoff Lawler

Sarah made presents for everyone. Jen got a scarf, which Sarah had surreptitiously knitted in the back seat during Sunday night return trips to New York, while her mom was driving. I got a handkerchief embroidered with my initials. Geoff, shown above, and Lew each received a beautiful framed picture she made. Lewis got an eyeglass case with a fuzzy interior. Rinda received a glass bead necklace created by Sarah in the glass-blowing shop at camp. She never took it off.

Erica Burleigh

Erica received this quilted pillow.

Sarah & Throw

Sarah, exempt from Secret Santa rules, received many presents herself. Daisy also made out pretty well, scoring a stuffed llama, a stuffed dinosaur, and a new Chuck-it.

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