Jun 27 2011

Mending Fences

Published by at 9:22 pm under Animals,Birds,Butterflies,Flowers,Sarah

Work continues apace at the farm, as we (or, more specifically, Chuck Kelsoe and his nephew) dismantled the fence, which we are replacing.  Del Wolcott told me he that built this fence from locust trees that he cleared to build the house on the hill on the other side of what is now Wolcott drive, where the Hohners live.

Wildlife abounds these days, including this fawn, eating mulberries fallen from the tree at the end of the driveway …

… these turkeys, pictured without their large brood …

… this miffed-looking woodchuck, possibly tired of the endless questions about his abilities …

… and this little bunny, who has taken up residence on the front lawn and is too young to be afraid of us.

Let us not neglect the invertebrates: here, a spicebush swallowtail snacks on some milkweed, and here I am flying a kite.

The lilies that Jen and Sarah planted this spring are blooming.

And here Sarah poses with a still life of daisies, which she is thinking of entering in the Dutchess County Fair.  In the background, her mother potters in the garden.

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