Archive for the 'Sarah' Category

Nov 17 2019

Reserve Champion

Published by under Horses,Sarah

We spent most of the weekend in the city, but this evening we attended the Hudson Valley Hunter Jumper Association’s annual banquet at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel, where Sarah was named Reserve Champion in two events: Short/Long Stirrup, and Pleasure. Congratulations to Sarah and Cisco (a.k.a. Talk of the Town)!

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Sep 22 2019

Oh Hay

Published by under Barn,Horses,Sarah

We had a short weekend in the country, arriving Saturday evening after Sarah’s dance rehearsal. When we got out of the car, Sarah said, “It smells like hay!” It’s pretty late in the year for haymaking, so I didn’t believe her until I found our upper hayfield had been mowed by this large Ford tractor. […]

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Sep 15 2019

Cisco Kid

Published by under Horses,Sarah

Sarah had a horse-filled weekend, with a lesson Saturday morning, a jumping demonstration at the Southlands Foundation annual gala Saturday night, and a show Sunday at Meadow Creek Farm. Here is Sarah aboard Cisco, on their way to winning a second-place ribbon in equitation.

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Mar 03 2019


Published by under Dogs,Horses,Jen,Sarah

Daisy has been in an exceedingly good mood lately. On Friday she proved she could still fit in Jen’s lap. On Saturday Sarah participated in a Breyer horse show in Millbrook. Here you can see the very serious judges for the dressage event, in which Sarah eventually won a blue ribbon.

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Jan 27 2019

Sarah at 15

Published by under Barn,Food,Jen,Sarah

Sarah celebrated her 15th birthday with a riding lesson, lunch with the Lawson twins, and a fantastic cake baked by Jen. As is customary, Sarah could select any cake she wanted. Jen made a three layer vanilla cake with chopped Oreos in the batter, crushed Oreo buttercream frosting, and chocolate ganache.

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Dec 28 2018

Xmas 2018

Published by under Dogs,Food,Jen,Sarah

Sarah presided over a very merry Christmas in her traditional elf capacity, with a little help from her assistant, Daisy. Despite our rather short, pudgy tree, we had a festive time with the entire Burleigh clan. We feasted on gravlax, herring, stollen, and fruit salad. For Xmas dinner, we had country ham and biscuits, as […]

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Dec 09 2018

Cottage Chanukah

Published by under Sarah

It was about 40 degrees in the house when we arrived Saturday morning. The boiler was repaired by mid-afternoon, but our drafty old farmhouse heats rather slowly. We solved this problem in a first-world kind of way: we decamped to the cottage with an Instant Pot, Sarah’s 92nd Street Y menorah, and a bottle of […]

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Nov 25 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Published by under Dogs,Food,Jen,Sarah

Our Thanksgiving this year included Rinda, Lew, Julie, Stacey, and the Perkins family, four visiting Australians celebrating their first Thanksgiving.  We had an 18-pound turkey from Salt Point, together with pecan stuffing, green beans with slivered almonds, creamed onions, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, strawberry jello mold, three kinds of cranberry sauce, and four pies. We […]

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Nov 18 2018

Old Friends

Published by under Dogs,Horses,Sarah

Sarah’s babysitter-for-life Lauren Ballback, fresh from passing the Virginia bar examination, visited this weekend. She brought her dog, Hamilton, a very good boy who did not dig any holes during this visit.  Daisy enjoyed his company. Today, all of us — except for Hamilton and Daisy — attended the Hudson Valley Hunter Jumper Association annual […]

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Oct 28 2018


Published by under Animals,Barn,Dogs,Sarah

Saturday was a washout but the sun came out this afternoon. Daisy, who has been very good lately, received this antler from the Rhinebeck Farmers Market. She seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. This red fox has been prowling around all weekend. I was lucky to get these shots with Daisy standing behind […]

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