Archive for the 'Sarah' Category

Feb 16 2021


Published by under Sarah

Here is Sarah, on Valentine’s Day, under the blanket she is crocheting. When not making face masks, bucket hats, or blankets, she has been creating stuffed animals. Sarah made a gift of a crocheted octopus to outdoor visitor Hugh Anthony, 18 months. It was missing a leg — making it a septapus — but Hugh […]

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Feb 01 2021

Blizzard of ’21

Published by under Dogs,Pond,Sarah

Even with two feet of snow forecast in New York, Brearley declared a day of remote learning rather than a proper snow day. Still, Sarah seemed to have a pretty light schedule. She received what are known as “asynchronous” assignments, such as go outside and play with your dog.

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Jan 03 2021

New Year’s Eve 2021

Published by under Sarah

New Year’s Eve was, inevitably, a quiet affair. Jen made a lovely dinner of salmon in a mustard sauce, while I made, for consumption New Year’s Day, Hopping John. We stayed up until midnight listening to music and, in Sarah’s case, crocheting. We are all hoping that 2021 will bring better times.

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Dec 27 2020

Xmas 2020

Published by under Dogs,Food,Jen,Sarah,Trees

We had a small but mighty Christmas, with a perfectly sized tree-for-three, which Sarah named Leroy. We had many presents, a Zoom call with the Burleighs, and a cassoulet dinner. The night before, Sarah made gingerbread cookies. When it came time to decorate them, everyone got involved. Daisy had a particularly successful holiday, receiving, in […]

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Nov 30 2020

Learner’s Permit

Published by under Sarah

I was very quiet in the back seat.

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Nov 30 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Published by under Dogs,Food,Jen,Sarah

We had an intimate Thanksgiving for three this year in our lugubrious dining room, with a relatively svelte (12 lb.) turkey from Kesicke Farm and all or most of the fixings. We had Zoom calls with Jen’s family and with mine, with Erica & Geoff participating in both. Sarah took charge of the apple pie, […]

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Sep 16 2020

Return to New York

Published by under Dogs,Sarah

We were more than a bit wistful Sunday evening when it was time to head back to New York after six months (for me, to the day) at the farm. Sarah stared at the hazy sky while Daisy ran over to see what she was doing. Daisy wasn’t thrilled about heading back to town either.

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Jul 19 2020

Floating Along

Published by under Jen,Pond,Sarah

It is unquestionably fully summertime, with temperatures in the nineties, full-scale jam operations underway, and lazy afternoons in the pond.

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Jan 05 2020

Xmas 2019

Published by under Sarah

We celebrated concurrent Christmas and Hanukah, with all attendant honors and gifts, with Jen’s parents and brother. Everyone, including Daisy (resting contentedly just above Sarah’s left hand in this picture), received many presents, ate like kings and/or queens, and generally had a wonderful time with family.

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Dec 01 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Published by under Food,Jen,Sarah

We had a happy Thanksgiving with Julie & Stacey, Erica & Geoff, and, in a reprise from 2018, the Perkins family from Perth. We baked many pies: hickory, sour cherry, pumpkin, apple, and mushroom (clockwise from left). Indeed, we had so many pies competing for oven space that some had to be cooked in the […]

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