Archive for the 'Sarah' Category

May 30 2022

Memorial Day 2022

Published by under Horses,Jen,Sarah

Today we watched Rhinebeck’s quintessential Memorial Day parade from the Lawsons’ front porch. We had Jen’s parents, Erica and Geoff visiting for the weekend, and the Scherrs happened to have rented a house for the weekend about fifteen minutes from us. We felt slightly sheepish about inviting ourselves over to the Lawsons and bringing eleven […]

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Dec 27 2021

Xmas 2021

Published by under Dogs,Jen,Sarah

We had a small but festive Christmas, with just Jen’s folks visiting. Sarah presented Daisy with her stocking, stuffed with a bully stick and a dried fish skin. It’s hard to say which smelled worse. As is her custom, Sarah made crafts for everyone. She embroider these flowers for Rinda, crocheted coasters for Lew and […]

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Dec 24 2021

Tree Trimming

Published by under Jen,Sarah,Trees

Here are Jen and Sarah, ready for the holidays after the hanging of the ornaments. Sarah is on-trend with this ugly Christmas sweater from her pal Ainsley.

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Dec 12 2021

A Run on Trees

Published by under Sarah,Trees

Ordinarily we wait until just before Christmas to bring home a tree, mostly because no one is around during the week to water it. This year, however, there seems to be a Christmas tree shortage. According to The Wall Street Journal, this is not the result of supply chain interruption but rather the long tail […]

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Nov 29 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

Published by under Food,Sarah

Even Norman Rockwell might have been horrified by the amount of food we had at Thanksgiving this year, including a 21.5 lb. turkey, five pies (apple, pecan, pumpkin, hickory, and coconut), and three kinds of cranberry sauce (not readily distinguished from one another). We had Rinda, Erica, Lew, Geoff, Julie, and Stacey visiting, two of […]

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Jun 13 2021


Published by under Sarah

Does paying Rhinebeck property taxes entitle you to send your child to the Rhinebeck High School Prom? Not really, but Sarah was able to attend as the plus-one of her pal Anna Lawson, far left. Here she is at a pre-prom, Mills Mansion photo op with the Lawson twins and, in blue, another former Fireball […]

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May 09 2021

Mother’s Day 2021

Published by under Jen,Sarah

Last night we had dinner at the Kaimal-Lawsons, our first indoor social visit in over a year. The girls celebrated having completed the SATs, which were administered in the Rhinebeck High School gym. Today we celebrate Mother’s Day in traditional style, with breakfast in bed followed by driving Sarah hither and yon to various horse-related […]

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Apr 04 2021

Easter 2021

Published by under Sarah

Today we recalled the backyard egg hunts with Sarah and her pals. You’re never too old for an Easter basket.

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Mar 22 2021

First Day of Spring 2021

Published by under Dogs,Sarah

It was frosty yesterday morning but by afternoon it had warmed up enough for Sarah and Daisy to enjoy the sun in the backyard.

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Mar 14 2021

Long, Cold, Lonely Winter

Still, signs of spring abound, including this unusual assortment of ducks (two Mallard males and a female; one Ring-necked Duck). The snowdrops were up, as were a few crocuses. The Canada Geese are returning. And Jen gave Sarah a spring haircut.

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